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Courts have long recognized that both parents and the State have an interest in the health and well-being of minor children. It is this parent-like interest that gives Alabama’s Department of Human Resources (DHR) the authority to remove your children from your home if they believe your children are abused or neglected. Whenever DHR is involved in your family’s life, and especially when they have taken custody of your children, you need a powerful voice in your corner standing up for your parental rights. Having your children returned to your care and having autonomy in your home both depend on you showing the court that your children are cared for and provided for in your home. Cullman juvenile attorney Shelbie Hankey and her team are experienced in helping parents and other interested family members stand up to the DHR. We take the time to get to know you and your family dynamics so that we can effectively speak for you in court and in other proceedings.
Call or contact us today to schedule a review of your case and situation with us.
Our nation’s laws and court cases repeatedly reaffirm the right of parents to raise their children as they see fit without unnecessary government interference. This right is not absolute, however, and the government can become involved in your family’s affairs in certain circumstances. These circumstances may include cases where there is reason to believe your child:
Once your child has been removed from your home, you will need to complete specific tasks assigned to you by DHR or the court before your children will be allowed to return home to you.
If DHR or the court believes a child is unsafe in their home and needs to be removed, placement options will be considered. It is often much better for a child to live temporarily with a grandparent, aunt or uncle, or another extended family member rather than to enter the foster care system.
Hankey Law Firm can offer you a voice in this situation, too. We will advocate to DHR and in court and seek orders allowing a child removed from your relative’s home to be housed with you pending resolution of the case. This way, your grandchild, niece, or nephew need not experience the additional trauma of being completely removed from their family. Sometimes these children need a permanent change of custody to the relative rather than being returned to the parent. Hankey Law Firm will diligently seek this change of custody for our clients.
Once you retain us, the Hankey Law Firm will waste no time getting involved in your child’s case. We will advise you of your choices at each stage of the proceedings and help you chart a course that protects your family’s interests.
Reach out to a Cullman juvenile attorney at the Hankey Law Firm today for a consultation.
Helping North Alabama families navigate the emotional and legal burdens of family law disputes.