How Long Does a Divorce Take in Alabama?

Realizing a marriage isn’t working and coming to the decision to divorce isn’t one that is often made hastily. After exhausting all other avenues and settling on a path for divorce, you may wonder, how long will a divorce take? And when can you begin this new chapter of your life? The answer, however, is […]

Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights in Alabama?

For many children, their grandparents play an important role in their development and emotional well-being. Unfortunately, there are some situations where the child’s parents can deny visits by the grandparents. Often, grandparents wonder if they have any legal recourse to the parents’ decision. In some situations, they can challenge these denials in the courts. If […]

How Do You Manage a Divorce With a Special Needs Child?

Parents with a child who has special needs are at a higher risk of experiencing marital strain, which can lead to a divorce. Divorces can be difficult for families at any time, but having a special needs child can complicate the process. Learn how to navigate the potential hurdles of a divorce with a special […]

Divorcing Past the Age of 55: What Seniors Should Consider

While the overall divorce rate in the U.S. is declining, divorces among couples over 50 years old are rising. The divorce rate among older couples has doubled since 1990. Those are startling statistics and mean seniors need to understand the factors involved in “gray divorces.” Protect Yourself During a Divorce The conditions surrounding divorce change […]

Who Gets Custody of the Pets?

How to Survive Your Divorce with Your Pet Family Intact The dissolution of a marriage is always sad as it indicates that the hopes the couple began their relationship with didn’t pan out. Many times, divorce is contentious. Some couples become so adversarial in their relationship that hurting the other becomes the primary goal. Anything […]